Friday, December 12, 2008

I've been a naughty blogger :[

Allo all! Been a little bit since I posted :[ Bad blogger, bad!

Anyways progress has been pretty good so far, I've slowed down a fair amount and am approaching 1 month of treatment. Luckily my health insurance provider has accepted my medical claim to have my tri-weekly shots paid for phew!

Everything seems to be chugging along nicely; however slowing down is awfully hard and I'm having a tough time with losing a pound here or there, but that's okay. Progress is progress after all.

I find that I don't really have any cravings left other than my dreaded cookie cravings - which is bizarre considering I don't even really like cookies THAT much. Otherwise its all hunky dorey really.

I hit the dreaded bump in the road last week when aunt flo visited for her loving monthly visit, I gained two pounds, then lost them, then put on a pound then got stuck. Crazy! And god did it ever HURT more than it usually does; I find myself wondering if it could have something to do with this military diet I'm on. God only knows.


Energy : Excellent, although I find myself tired in the evenings I no longer have the feeling like I need to go take a nap 24/7.
Hunger level : Hunger? What's hunger? Or fullness? I can't recall...
Skin tone : Meh
Digestive : Constipated :S I would kill to take a real pooh.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Calorie Counter

Peace <3


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